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Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Does Your Personal Development Growth Plan Include Yoga?

What are some of the key steps in any personal development growth plan?

1. Motivation
2. Goal Setting
3. Time Management
4. Stress Management
5. Wellness
6. Confidence and Self Assurance

Do you recognize those as the pivotal parts of personal development growth strategies from authors such as Anthony Robbins, Dr Phil, Les Brown, Brian Tracey and many other leaders in this space.

Indeed, our own business growth coaching incorporates the fundamentals of personal development outlined over at "Peak Personal Development" website

What fascinates me though is that most personal development growth plans are totally consumed by trying to FIX something that for whatever reason is broken.

You aren't motivated, so you get a dozen techniques on increasing your excitement level - but then come crashing down in a few days and get stuck back in the same rut

Or, you set goals based on what you think you want, then fail to make any progress whatsoever toward achieving those goals.

Sound familiar?

An effective personal development growth plan first involves discovering success that is already embedded within you.

It's about finding your purpose, your passion, your meaning on this earth and convincingly turning that into your own life plan.

Your personal development growth system should not be about "fixing" something, but should be all about growing based on "discovery" of what's inside - a major way to achieve successful discovery is through yoga and meditation.

By including yoga and meditation into your personal improvement growth plans - suddenly the techniques outlined in your plan will seem clear, simple and totally achievable.
