Master Yoga and Meditation

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Saturday, January 20, 2007

Yoga Mediates Your Emotions

Something I just had to share with everyone today, after months of practicing yoga and meditation there have been a great many changes - both internally and in my life - most of them, for the better.

But something that has creeped up on me, almost without knowing is the ability to keep my emotions much more in check.

Where I used to flip out over the smallest incident, get extremely nervous in certain situations (such as flying), or become very anxious before I had to give a major presentation, I know notice that I am able to control my reaction to these experiences much better, and it's due to the yoga and meditation.

I've heard others practicing yoga and meditation talk about it as if you are like a completely objective, third-party observer in your life.

While I'm certainly not that detached from my emotions, it certainly is nice to be able to reduce the negative feelings that used to cause a much higher level of reaction in the past.

If you have been practicing yoga and meditation for a length of time, it would be great to know if you have experienced a similar mediation of your emotions.



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