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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Yoga Breathing Exercise Benefits

If you are someone who is thinking about starting yoga, or just a casual adopter of yoga and meditation, then you may want to go back and focus your time and energy on yoga breathing exercises.

Of all the main principles of yoga, I've benefited the most from yoga breathing techniques - both in terms of handling stress in my life, increasing my energy level and setting the stage for yoga asanas and other meditation techniques.

If you are still unconvinced of the benefits of yoga then download our report called "5 Miracle Benefits of Yoga and Meditation", you'll see some amazing changes that can happen in your life in a very short amount of time.

Back to yoga breathing exercises, or pranayama.

Not only do yoga breathing techniques pump more oxygen into every cell in your body giving you energy and promoting overall well-being, but proper yoga breathing exercise ensures toxins and gases are exhaled while fresh, clean air is passed into your system.

Another overlooked aspect of yoga breathing exercise is the focus on control. By controlling both the inhalation process and exhalation (avoiding jerky exhale) and increasing awareness of how deeply you breath, pranayama is a fundamental step in self-discipline and self-awareness, two of the most important factors in changing your life from the inside.

Try it again - commit to applying basic yoga breathing exercises for just 10-minutes each day for the next two-weeks and notice the change that will take place in your life.


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