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Saturday, January 27, 2007

More People Taking Up Yogic Meditation

As stress levels increase, coming at us from almost every direction, more and more of us look for ways to handle it - and for many, that is leading them directly to meditation.

Stress is coming from increased demands on our time, a worsening world situation, 24-hour news and reporting, and rapid changes in beliefs and values.

For many, the prospect of joining a meditation class, or setting aside an uninterrupted 30-minutes of time each day sounds self-absorbed, but it's becoming more clear that our impact on the outside world is heavily influenced by what is going on inside of us.

Meditation allows us to both recognize what is happening inside (self-awareness) and to put it into perspective better controlling the impact of our thoughts on life.

Interest in the different forms of meditation including Buddhist, Hinduist, Taoist, New Age, Transcendental and others show the 20-40 age range is ready to begin the process of looking within for solutions to stress and relaxation as well as overall improvements ot health and fitness.

I practice meditation each morning, then yoga 3-times each week and work out at noon at a gym that offers both sweat workouts and yoga and meditation.

I have noticed over the last 3-years amazing growth in those who choose to no longer sweat out a workout, but fit a yoga and meditation session in at their lunch break.

And I must admit - the look on the faces of those that exit their yoga and meditation class are much more at peace, happy and self-assured than those of the workout crowd. Of course, that's just my personal observation.



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