Master Yoga and Meditation

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Monday, January 22, 2007

Choosing A Yoga Mat - Here's Some Tips

When I first started yoga and meditation, my search for a yoga mat consisted of a hurried, 5-minute trip to a local Wal-Mart as I rushed to have a yoga mat to take to my first class.

1-year later, and I still had the same yoga mat, so why think of something else now?

One reason that many of you practicing yoga may sympathize with is that evolving your yoga practice into more demanding poses, such as the headstand for example, demands a more rigourous yoga mat than less demanding breathing poses.

Something else that caught my attention is the value of a good yoga mat to meditation - there are some wonderful cotton meditation mats and pillows available made from green cotton with both the stability and softness especially designed for meditation.

These days, I take meditation as serious as I do my yoga routine, so having a meditation mat makes good sense.

After researching yoga mats - one of our main research sites is included over at our Yoga Mat Resource Site - we also discovered other useful yoga equipment including yoga bolsters (bunches of cotton batting in various shapes and sizes) as well as yoga blankets and foam blocks.

As you work your way into more demanding yoga positions, you will suddenly find that having these low-cost, extra yoga equipment will enhance your overall yoga experience tremendously - I know I have.



john wilson said...

I have gone through your web site. I have got sufficient information from your site, that was great and also seen another website related to the same category and got more information from that site too.

yoga mats

1:36 AM  

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