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Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Types Of Yoga - Your Options Are Unlimited!

Its only when you really get interested in yoga that you really discover how many types of yoga are really out there. The range is rather incredible and until you start reading yoga books, watching yoga videos or take yoga instruction, its unlikely you will have thought about how many types of yoga there really are.

It is important to understand the types of yoga as each different yoga type focuses on a different part of your mind and body and offers a core benefit.

One type of yoga may offer a strength benefit while another type of yoga offers more of a mental peace of mind benefit. Everyone comes into yoga and meditation with a different goal, a different motivation expecting different results. To help you understand a little more about the yoga types, here are 4 different types of yoga you may be interested in.

Types of Yoga

1. Hatha Yoga: One of the most popular types of yoga in the Western world, Hatha Yoga is also known as one of the most demanding (from a physical point of view) yoga types. While in practice, Hatha Yoga often brings many stages of yoga into play, the truest sense of the term sees Hatha Yoga as preparing your mind and body for deeper levels of concentration and meditation. Hatha Yoga asanas focus on a combination of positions that can be maintained for longer periods of time and on better preparing mind and body for deeper concentration.

2. Ashtanga Yoga: The most all encompassing type of yoga, Astanga yoga defines 8-steps through which an individual clears or purifies one's mind. Some of the steps include: Yama (control), Asanas (Postures), and Pranayam (breath) which all lead to the final step which attempt to reach complete equilibrium with body and mind. Most types of yoga also support this all encompassing yoga type.

3. Karma Yoga: Perhaps lesser know type of yoga, Karma yoga is focused on preparing your mind and body to accept total selflessness. You will hear terms such as sacrifice, total dedication to higher power and detachment used quite allot with Karma Yoga.

4. Kriya Yoga: If your goal is to delve deeper into the mind, Kriya yoga is a type of yoga that focuses almost entirely on meditation, peace of mind through energy control and spirituality. Certainly in a world that is more filled with bad news, negativity and materialism, Kriya Yoga offers is a type of yoga offering an offsetting balance in your life.

Of course, there are many other types of yoga, this is only the tip of the iceburg and these happen to be some of the most popular yoga types in today's cultures. The popularity of different types of yoga also changes by region - what is popular in the Western world is not necessarily the same as in Eastern regions.

Its important to understand your goals and match your goals with the appropriate type of yoga that will best meet your goal. Without having this upfront knowledge, you will become frustrated and likely have a bad experience with your yoga and meditation. Matching your desire with a corresponding type of yoga is the best method to stick with your yoga regime for the long term realizing maximum benefit.