Master Yoga and Meditation

Join us as our family and friends experience the joy of practicing yoga, kids yoga - we'll share our experiences and let you in on what we learn about yoga clothes, yoga positions, and yoga books.

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Friday, April 08, 2005

Yoga Clothes That Make Yoga More Enjoyable

It's no secret, yoga clothes have become a highly desirable fashion trend in themselves over the
last year or so.

You now see major department stores and specialty shops alike offering yoga clothes sections
catering to a segmant of society that does not even understand what yoga is, let alone practiced
yoga asanas.

Now for those of you who ARE practicing yoga and DO want to know what to look for when
searching for yoga clothes, here are some things to look for:

1. Proper Fit and Comfort. Most important when searching for yoga clothes is that they
are made of comfortable material, do not reveal more than you wish to, and are adjustable
in terms of having a drawstring or elastic waste (in the case of yoga pants)

2. Absorbance of sweat. Depending on the type and intensity of your yoga exercises, you will
want yoga clothes that keep you from feeling hot or wet, there are many cotton materials that
will assist in absorbing sweat rather than sticking to your body.

3. Attractive. While it should not be your first criteria for yoga clothes, attractiveness and
fashion are important. Your body image and feeling the part are important aspects of sticking
to any routine. After all, you want to enjoy the benefits of both the physical and mental
aspects of yoga.

For more information on yoga clothes, see our resource page by clicking here.
