Master Yoga and Meditation

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Thursday, May 05, 2005

Kids Yoga Helps Take the "Madness" Out Of Children

Anyone who has kids knows there is a frustration level, built up anxiety and "madness" in children of all ages - what most people don't know is how kids yoga can help to lessen and handle this built in anger.

We included a section on kids yoga on our website specifically because we have found it so beneficial to our 5-year old who struggles with the many issues kids deal with as they grow up in this fast-paced, competitive, demanding world.

Why not give kids the benefit of yoga and meditation early - we teach them so many other skills early on and constantly hear how important it is that they learn good habits early, so practicing yoga and meditation early means they have a head start on the rest of us who tend to learn later in life.

So, I was happy to see this article appear talking about various kids yoga classes for children as young as age 3 right up into the teen years.

The way I look at it is, I've seen NOTHING yet in terms of anxiety and anger that I will see when my 5 year old hits those crazy teen years - so kids yoga is one way I can arm him with the tools he will need to make growing up just a little bit easier, both on him and his parents.



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